Have you truly considered what God sees when he looks at you? The mind may first offer the “correct” answer by saying He sees perfection, or innocence, but then it will remind you of some flaw or failing, and thus is revealed how you see yourself. In this dialogue about Christ Vision, John Mark provides the symbol of a blank sheet of paper to remind us of the pure, and fully allowing Consciousness that is our True Being. We write our story – any version we choose – on this blank sheet of paper. All is accepted, all is allowed, and the Love that we are remains unchanged forever. To see with Christ Vision is to see through our stories of separation to the Holiness of Oneness beneath. To see smallness, illness, depression, or limitation of any kind is blasphemy and the denial of Truth. When we see only holiness in our brother, we will know that we have accepted our own identity as the incarnate Christ, and the world now reflects the Love I Am. This dialogue was recorded June 14, 2013. Click here to watch the video on Vimeo
Christ Vision
posted on: 15 June 2013